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Re: quattro weather?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey J. Goggin <audidudi@mindspring.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: 25 December 1997 02:01
Subject: RE: quattro weather?

>Gee ... it rained a bit this afternoon.  That's Quattro weather in Phoenix,
>Arizona! ;^)
Its raining here again (York, UK) and has done almost without stopping for
the last week or so. We also had 80mph winds last night and I've spent this
morning (Xmas day) retrieving fence panels from my neighbours gardens.
The only good thing about it is the state of unsurfaced roads - 3 or 4
inches of mud is a good substitute for snow but its doesn't half make a mess
of the carpets. :-)

Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro