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Head Gasket weeping

In message <> Avi writes:

> Before installing the head gasket put a thin bid of Loctite 819 on both
> sides of the gasket, DON'T OVERDO it.....if you follow all other
> instruction (installing the head gasket), it will not leak...

If you use an original Audi (Elring) gasket it already has sealant applied - 
that's what the little tracks running round the gasket are.  Moreover, they're 
in the right places.

Leaks often result when people:
a) re-use gaskets without augmenting the original sealant or
b) re-use the old head bolts.
I find both of these _completely_ inexplicable - especially on turbo engines 
where the total rebuild-test-buggerit-strip cycle takes six or more hours. 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club