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Re: MAC11b ECU Trials & Tribulations
> > So, I put back in the salvaged ECU, but oops, I think I bent that
> > transistor a little too far, yup, snapped off an NEC C2334
> > into my pissed-off fingers.
> >
> > The little bugger crosses over to a TIP 41C, but wouldn't you
> > know it, NO electronics stores open Friday or Saturday other
> > than ReamMe O'Shack, for whom a TIP 41C is a special order
> > part.
> I am looking into my faithful bible, "Philips ECG Semiconductor
> Replacement Guide", which has never ever let me down.
> C2334 crosses over to ECG54 (TO-220, high speed, NPN, Si, f=70Mhz,
> gain=100)
> TIP-41C crosses over to ECG331 (TO-220, high speed, NPN, Si, f=3Mhz,
> gain=40)
I think the Vcbo/Vebo of 150 ('54) /100 ('331) are more relevant than
the f.
I'll bet since this is just a simple low speed switching application,
pretty much anything with Vxbo > 100 and _some_ gain will be fine.
A quick look at the circuit board indicates this transistor is
somewhat protected by a Zener as well.
BTW, Doug killed his cold start valve :)