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Re: brake job on '93 90CS

Steve Manning wrote:
> At 06:23 PM 1/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Well about 3000 miles ago I decided it was about time to change the
> >brake pads/rotors on my '93 90CS, as they were 30,000 miles old and were
> >squeaking a bit.  I put it off, waiting to get a little more cash, but
> >now it looks like I'm going to change them Monday because I'm having
> >trouble stopping the car.
> >This means going with Audi OEM parts, unless anyone knows of anywhere in
> >the Atlanta GA area that sells Pagids/Deluxe Organics/etc.
> >
> >Has anyone done this job before?  I'm not sure if I want to attempt it
> >or if I should take it to a garage to have it done.  I have the factory
> >manual but it looks far too easy so I'm sure they're not telling me
> >something.  I don't have any experience in this so if it is excessively
> >complicated let me know and I won't even try.
> Elliott - actually, changing pads is a pretty easy job.  You might want to
> consider a few things:
> - Do you need new rotors at the same time?

I think my rotors are OK; the front rotors actually were replaced about
15,000 miles ago, but they still look kinda thin.  I probably won't
replace them now, but I think they will need replacement soon.  The back
ones still look OK, though.  Anyone know how thick they should be?  I
can check them out when I take the wheels off.

> - Brake work is usually not that hard, but you have to be careful.  The
> consequences of getting it wrong can be fairly high.  

That's what I'm afraid of!

> On the other hand, if
> you know what you are doing, you can always do a better job than someone
> you hire because you care more about the car and can afford the time to do
> it best.
> - Sqeaking is not that unusual as brakes put on the miles; are you sure you
> need new pads?  I know you said you were having trouble stopping the car,
> but I'm not sure specifically what you meant.  Are you sure pads are the
> problem?

I'm pretty sure it's pads--aside from the squealing, which started when
the pads had about 20,000 on them, has gotten much worse, and it takes
considerably more pedal effort to stop the car.  Also there's a little
grinding noise now, too.

> - Actually Audi OEM pads are not that bad; they are expensive though.  If
> you can wait you can save a bunch of money either getting OEM pads
> mail-order from Carlsen or whatever, or getting 3rd party pads.

In fact I don't mind the Audi pads that much except for the dust, but I
can live with dust.  I just wanted to get cheaper pads.
I do want to do this tomorrow because I really am worried about the
amount of effort it's taking to stop the car; it's suprising sometimes. 
Especially after long highway trips where I don't use them much--after
driving for 95 miles yesterday without using them and then trying to
stop on the exit ramp of the freeway, I was never able to stop the car,
though it slowed down much more after I put both feet on the pedal.  (I
checked the brake fluid, it's fine.)

> - If you know someone who is experienced who can watch you the first time
> while you gain confidence, and make sure you don't do something major
> wrong, that would be helpful.
That's my plan.

> Just my thoughts..........SLM


> Steve Manning:  stephenm@ix.netcom.com
> ...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
> .....Virtual home:  http://www.stationwagon.com