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Re: ?'s on 93 90csq
At 12:01 AM 1/2/98 EST, HOOKSA wrote:
>I recently purchased a 93' 90csq and was wondering a few things. I have
>abublb out behind the switch for the pass. seat heater switch. Is there a
>simple way to replace it w/o tearing the dash apart.
I had the same problem in my '94 90CSQ (acquired last July). Since I bought
it from a dealer, they replaced it under warranty. As I understand it, the
bulb is not easily replaceable because it is soldered into the switch. You
have to replace the whole switch, OR follow a detailed procedure which
you'll find int he Quattro Mailing List archives (somewhere):
http://coimbra.ans.net/quattro.html .
Good luck.
Mark H. Granoff Mark.Granoff@Software.com
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