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A/C whine
<HOOKSA@aol.com> asks:
I was just wondering if anyone out there, has had any wind noise coming
their a/c vents. The care this is happening in is a 93 90q. The a/c
is an automatic climate control and I was wondering if it might be the fan
could there be wind coming in from the outer vents that should not be. I
believe it might be the fan, and wondering if it could be a prelude to a
problem to come. It does not do it if I shut the system off. Any helpful
would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance<
This may also be whining coming from the dash mounted temp sensor fan.
(Yes, there is such a thing). After years of sucking dust/dirt/hair out of
your car, it gums up and whines. This fan, in the 200's at least, runs off
of the alternator so the noise is only there when the car is actually
running. My symptoms were: high pitched whine coming from the center dash
area on start-up, at first, only for the first few minutes; later it lasted
longer. It went away after fan (a) seized from the heat or (b) warmed up.
Either way it was very annoying. I replaced it.
On the 200, the job is time consuming, but straightforward: pull the dash
cover, etc. While in there, fix the cruise control, upgrade the
speakers/wiring, a few more etc's...
Joe Yakubik