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Re: flying trim - a corrected explanation

At 11:01 AM 1/6/98 -0800, you wrote:

>I didn't have this problem on our last '87 5ktqw with the 100 euros.  But,
>now I'm worried.  Our car routinely see speeds in excess of 80 mph.
>Can you give me more info.?  I don't know what you mean by "a molded bolt
>point at each
>end - this has to go away."  TIA for the detailed information.

Ok - if you look at the bottom of your 100 euro side marker light, you will
notice a chrome 'flange' that extends under the lens. On the US model large
chrome trim piece that is between the bumper and grill (3 piece - large
center piece w/2 side pieces - the thing the rubber strip thats such a pain
clips into) there are molded places for a bolt at each end. The US DOT lamps
have an extra bolt point that you use to anchor the trim pieces to the lamp.
The 100 euro lamps don't have this extra bolt point. The 'flange' on the
side marker light interferes with this molded "hole" - as a result, the
marker lamp may not clip in to the side of the lamp correctly. 2 solutions -
either trim the bolt hole or the marker lamp flange so that it clears and
seats correctly.

If you check and everything looks copacetic - you are warned... Mine did
too, and would occsionally 'inch forward' anyway. I would push it back
anyway, figuring it was just a fit issue. Got to work one day and looked at
the car admiringly as I walked away (I do this often - especially from 20
feet or more...) and saw a HOLE on the passenger's side with wires hanging
out. Of COURSE it was the good one - NOT the cracked one on the other side...

********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                   EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 215K miles                1.85 or so... bar 
    qcusa #3442           Maitland, Florida     plate: STLTHTQ