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Re: Pennsylvania Kicks ass

> George Achorn wrote:
> > 
> > Hi All,
> >         I heard on the radio last night that PA has outlawed left lane
> >         lurkers
> .

> snip

Wolff replied:

> BTW, it does give another excuse for "them" to give you a ticket.  Let's
> say you are in the fast lane (left lane in US) and don't get over quick
> enough in "their" opinion. You know the results.

Exactly.  The left lane will become known as the "ticket lane".  If you are
in the left lane you are probably guilty of either:

1.  Speeding, or
2.  Lurking

It's a win-win situation for state revenue.

Drew Senko     senko@reston.ans.net      Reston, VA, USA