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RE: Pennsylvania Kicks ass
The thing is, that Colorado _does_ have a law stating that you are
required to pull over and let traffic pass if you are trailing four (I
think) or more vehicles, thus obstructing the flow of traffic. Gosh it
burns me up when I'm the fiftieth in line, and pass a cop waiting for
speeders. Grr.
Dustin Sysko
Boulder, CO
85 4ksq
-----Original Message-----
From: rlpplsky [SMTP:rlpplsky@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 1998 8:27 AM
To: George Achorn
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: Re: Pennsylvania Kicks ass
What happens if the left lane bozo is doing the speed limit, or
+ 2mph?
Here in Colorado, we have a lot of two lane roads with few
passing zones due
to all the hills and curves. We have a huge problem with a slow
car leading
a line of cars sometimes miles long at a ridiculous pace. I
can't believe
the stupidity and thoughtlessness of people who do this for mile
after mile
without pulling over. I don't know about the rest of you
Quattro drivers,
but in the rare instance that someone wants to exceed my speed,
I pull over
and let them go.
Ralph Poplawsky
'91 200Q (now I'm mad and I'm just sitting at my desk)