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re: Amazon.com
Mike Arman <armanmik@n-jcenter.com> wrote:
>Amazon does buy books and mark them up - but they buy them at a discount
>and mark them up somewhat - they do need to make some profit - they lost
>what, 1.5 MM USD last year or last quarter? I give them a 20% discount on
>what they buy from me.
Here's a tip. If you want to buy from Amazon at an *additional* 15%
discount, join their Associate program. They pay a 15% referral fee for any
book sold through the program, and will pay associates for their own
purchases as well :)
You don't even really need a site, I guess. All you need is the ISBN and
your account number. Type that into the browser window and it will do the
rest... :)
(RAC: This even works for books on Audis!)