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Re: QCUSA Thunder Hill Event in Calif.

 # I just spoke with Andrew Bennett who is the event master
 # for the Thunder Hill QCUSA event (Jan 17-18), despite views
 # and rumors to the contrary this Audi event IS going on as
 # planned this coming weekend .
... since I am the offender let me explain what I was attemp-
ting to do ...

I was talking to someone who is not on the list and planning 
to be at the event.  He called me and told me that from his 
talks with 2Bennett there was some concern that enough people
would sign up so that the event would break even, and that 
there was some chance it might be cancelled.  I never attempted 
to confirm or deny this (as I stated in my original post).

My only intention was to try to get more people to call if they 
were interested but had not yet signed up.  I was one of the 
people who tried to put together an event at T-hill a few years 
back that died due to lack of interest and I didn't want it to 
happen again ...

My apologies for any misinterpretation of my original post ...


> ----------
> From: 	Buchholz, Steven
> Sent: 	Monday, January 12, 1998 11:51 AM
> To: 	'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
> Subject: 	Thunderhill
> I've heard rumors that the number of people signed up for the event
> isn't quite enough, and there's some chance the event will be
> cancelled.  This word comes through the grapevine, so it may not
> really be an issue, but I thought I'd send a note to the list so that
> if anyone out there was thinking about going but has not yet signed up
> ... you might want to make a phone call.  Ken and Andrew from 2Bennett
> Audimotive are coordinating the event.  You should be able to get info
> by calling QCUSA as well ...
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)