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Re: Fluke 83 vs Sunpro 7678

Check out the multimeter in Griot's catalog if you can find a copy to look at.
Their DMM might be the best deal but I don't have the specs on it. 
Based on what Igor said it sounds like a copy of the Sunpro for $50.
I called Griot's yesterday and they are mailing me a catalog but don't know
when I'll get it.  They told me their DMM is "no name" other than Griot's
and they are not permitted to say who makes it for them.

In the meantime I've already gone out and bought a SunPro 7678.
Western Auto/Parts America has them for $80, and the Sunpro web site
 has a $10 rebate offer on it good thru June '98.
When I bought this one yesterday I found they had two on the shelf.  One
was yellow and said made in Korea.  The other was black and said Made in
China.  Both are Sunpro 7678 with identical specs, but slight differences
in appearance.  Makes me think there is a real possibility of finding a
knock-off at even lower cost. 

Dave C.

David Conner  Columbus, OH 
'87 5KS w/new timing belt, water pump, bomb, radiator, etc.
'89 100E 
'86 4KCSQ w/Koni Sport adj. & LOUD exhaust