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need help diagnosing 90CQ heat problem (long)

Before I spend $ getting this fixed, I thought I'd offer it
up to both lists.  (btw, this is one reason I think we should
have a single list/group of lists - some of the climate control
stuff in the 20v cars is similar to the other cars as well...)

I bought a Radio Shack in/out digital thermometer.  The unit
is sitting behind the parking brake, and the outside temp
probe is pointing up towards the passenger footwell heating

All temps in Farenheit.
Outside Temp: 23 degrees
Climate Control settings: 75 degrees, Econ

Time	Interior Temp	Footwell Air Temp
----	-------------	-----------------
10:12		33.8		22.8
10:16		33.6		27.5  * blower kicks in, engine temp
					gauge needle moves up

10:18		37.4		43.9
10:22		40.6		57
10:24		44.8		60
10:28		48.9		62.8
10:32		51.4		64.4 * at this point I noticed a little
					cold air coming from the left
					dash vents.

10:40		55.6		67.3 * arrived at work.

As you can see, the heating system is not doing its job.
After arriving, I did the climate control diagnostics:

Channel	Reading
01	00	
02	152
03	133
04	154
05	127
06	70
07	_
08	58
09	58
10	33
11	11.8
12	00
13	181
14	00	
15	7.9
16	00
17	-
18	|
19	00
20	00
21	50
22	00

I can think of a couple of possibilities here:

- the 20v page mentions a vacuum actuated heater valve in the
input heater hose.  I'm not sure how to test this, or even if 
I was looking at the right part.

- there is a small plastic dial on the other hose at the firewall
which is supposed to be turned when you flush the system - Christian
could not get this to turn when he last flushed it.

- Eric suggested a stuck recirc flap.  I imagine this would allow 
extra cold air in, but would not account for the loss of heat

The air that comes out is lukewarm at best.  Even with Econ/HI mode
set, the air is only about 82-85 degrees.

Thanks for any advice.

| Dan |
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
ANS Communications 		http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road                 (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)