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Re: Yo, Thomas, about those ...... drivers.

At 10:35 AM -0500 1/15/98, four.rings@MCIONE.com wrote:
>Phil Payne wrote:
>> If the police here see a nose-to-tail group speeding, they do the _last_
>> The logic is if he wasn;t being held up by the others, he'd be going even
>> faster ...
>Jee, Phil, I did not know that you were watching when they nailed me for
>79 in a 55 zone a fortnight ago in Upstate New York on I-87, when I was
>coming back from Montreal.

You're luck.  In some states >20 mph above the speed limit is a felony
(Driving To Endanger), which is a lot more serious than $360 + points +
higher insurance.

My guess is that the cop did not get a good read on your car, and felt like
a felony was too much paperwork, esp. since you were out-of-state.  Also,
points often transfer across states, esp. bordering ones.

I try to stay <20mph above the limit, unless in a pack.


'90 CQ (looking for a dark '91 w/low miles)
'87 RX7 Tii (for sale soon)