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Electrical Woes...Everone please help if you can

Last week i got the voltage regulator replaced in my car, as the thing 
went dead.  Yesterday, i noticed that when i was running the car it was 
making this strange pulsating noise.  Now the volt meter in the car reads 
up to 16 volts, and the lights flicker and so do the dash lights.  The 
headlight switch got very hot...

Now, i know that the normal volt output is supposed to be between 13.5 
and 14.5 volts, so i know that 15+ constantly can not be good for the 
car.  What do you all think that hte problem could be.  If it makes any 
difference, i just recently replaced the steering pump...although i dont 
know why that would matter.  Please help ASAP

Michael Williams