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more '91 200q pictures, trip mileage type 44
See Alan Breitman's '91 200q at http://www.srv.net/~hah/audi/alan.htm
Having returned from a ~500mi trip this weekend, (my longest to date in the quattro) I can report that mileage was right around 25 mpg, travel speeds slightly more than legal (75 mph limit) - no stop and go, but the occasional blast around a slush-spraying semi, winter storm warnings no factor. What a cruising machine!
If I were the paranoid type, I would suspect that someone didn't want me to go skiing in the canyons near Salt Lake City, judging by the avalanches closing several and the lightning closing lifts at the one resort I did get to. Couldn't be the Audi Gods, as I composed nary a poem nor song before or after my successful journey.
Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 82k, not avalanche-tested
1988 GTI 16v, 173k, oughta change that alternator belt someday