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UrQ Fire Warning and Wiring Question
In message <"980122145539Z.WT14277. 0*/PN=William.Elliott/O=LNGW/PRMD=MEI/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/"@MHS> William Elliott writes:
> Now, my question: the large cable was almost burnt in half and demands
> replacement. According to Mr. Bentley, the cable runs from the starter to the
> battery.
Mr Bentley may be right, or he may be talking out of an orifice not intended
for that purpose. I have no wiring diagrams for the USA models.
However - on the European models, the wire is spliced. A 16sqmm black wire
runs from the starter to the alternator, and a 25sqmm black wire runs from
there to a splice point behind the right of the dashboard. From this splice
point, a 35sqmm wire runs back to the battery and two 6sqmm wires run off to
the fusebox area to power the car.
I have the European diagrams (partly hand-written) as ZIPped .TIFs if you need
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club