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Re: Road Rage, Safety, etc.

In a message dated 98-01-22 18:23:13 EST, you write:

<< There's a difference between a courtesy flash and a
 drive-up-the-exhaustpipe-and-keep-pushing technique >>

No doubt, tell that to the driver of an Eldorado, new (f'n ugly) Town Car.
Drivers are _usually_older_white_guys_ who are impatient.  I was going 75 mph,
passing abunch of people with no room to get over, and these jerk-offs (can i
say that?) flash me.  Had a Adnoh Accord driver (older white guy too) do the
same thing.  Guess what, they are all from big cities where traffic moves at
80-90mph.  Well, here in my part of Ohio, traffic moves between 65-75mph.  If
you go any faster, you get to see people's imitation of a birdy.  I too signal
people when they can get over, sometimes i get flipped off for the brights (go
figure, i try to be nice. . .).

Well, i'm done ranting now.

-Eric Ferguson