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Re: Kool-Aid

Nomex suit on :-)

I've owned fwd (highly-modified Scirocco, now in ITB) and rwd (240Z, now in a
little tiny ball), and driven both to what was my limit).  Both handled great,
albeit differently.  I now drive a quattro.  It's better -- for me.  It rains
on the street, it snows on the street, and sometimes it's even dry.  For every
particular condition there is an optimal setup ('73 Landcruiser in the mud,
e.g.).  Since I must brave all conditions all the time, nothing handles better
than my quattro.  And I have a hoot the *whole* time!

Aren't those PC guys from across the pond, anyway?
Seemed like a topical jab (sorry, I just never bother making those cute smiley

86 4kq