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What center diff.?

In message <Pine.SOL.3.96.980126094814.4614B-100000@iris.nyit.edu> Sachelle Babbar writes:

> How similar were the center diffs. in previous and current race quattros
> to street versions (strength aside)? I aske because a couple of years ago
> in Racecar magazine, they told about how an A4q won a race, etc. They said
> the win may be attributable to the driver's use of a cockpit adjustable
> center diff. It gave the "effect" of fwd on turns and the "effect" of rwd
> on straights.

The dials in the 1995 car affected the suspension and brakes, not the 
differentials.   When we toured Audi Sport in the UK, the head honcho implied 
there was some great secret about the centre differential, but I now believe 
this secret is that there wasn't one!
The 1996 BTCC car used a carbon fibre propshaft that allowed a ridiculous 
amount of wind-up.  Perhaps as much as a whole revolution.  In racing, it isn't 
very long before the car picks a wheel up anyway, so the whole thing can 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club