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Re: vinegar and water, ammonia, and a little orange pekoe...

> gee, what happened phil? too much vinegar on your chips?
> you need to drive your urq and get some fun back in your life.

Hey, take it easy on the guy, his urq is busted, remember? 

Also, if the hor. axis is labelled as "time in 1 second increments" you
get a series of points common to the sine wave and the square wave, but
no line between them to indicate what the curve actually is.  So there. 
Not saying the graph wouldn't be useful, but it wouldn't be a square

Gotta go tighten my car wash vandalised fog lights, and ice vandalised
left wiper nut.

Ice, ice, ice.  And we got it easy in the southern tier (that's New
Hampshirese for the part of the state annexed by commuters to
Massachusetts) compared to what the northern folks got two weeks ago.

Anybody got a decent 1kw generator for sale?  Prefer propane to

Huw Powell


82 (+/-) Audi Coupe