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BTDT's on rear crank seal?

In message <01bd2aa1$22f49f00$LocalHost@default> "Ian J Haseltine" writes:

> Mine is realy complaining now, its embarassing to wait at road junctions
> because the noise is so loud. ...

Or when all the passengers in a luxury coach look at you as the coach
drives past.

> I got home tonight I left the car running whilst I opened the garage door.
> By the time that I got back to it the noise was so loud that neighbours were
> looking out of their houses to see what was causing it.

Or you arrive at a quattro meeting and find your customary drink on the
bar when you get inside.

I don't know what it is about the MB engine, but it seems particularly
prone to _HOWL_ when this problem surfaces.  Didn't you do the lifters
a while back, and put in a new camshaft oil seal?  Perhaps increased
the suction?

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021