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Re: Audi Kool-Aid, Pt. II (long)

I forgot, to add in my last message, your place in the hall of fame is
SECURED  despite the fact that you use synthetic Olivetti oil.
Nobody is perfect.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt & Jenai <matjen@xsite.net>
To: Orin Eman <orin@WOLFENET.com>; Avi Meron <avi@cosmoslink.net>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, January 26, 1998 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: Audi Kool-Aid, Pt. II (long)

>Orin writes:
>>Here in the Pacific NorthWET, I rediscover this everytime I drive
>>the Chevy S-10 in the rain after driving the Q for a while.
>>It's also very evident when a Honda Accord beside me is going sideways
>>trying to get off the mark when I haven't even noticed anything
>I totally agree on this point.  I really notice and appreciate my quattro
>when I drive somewhat aggressively in slick conditions.  The quattro is
>about the only car that allows you to accelerate fast from the line without
>suffering wheelspin in the wet and snow.  Once the cars are moving there is
>much less of a difference.