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Re: 87 4000q driving in snow problems

Driving back from the Steamboat Springs event Sunday night
I experienced the same problem. Stopped got out and knocked
as much ice & snow off the wheels as possible in the dark.
I finally settled for driving the 200 miles home at sub
warp speed to avoid the shudder.  After sitting in the warm
garage overnight all the ice melted and balance was back to

> From: Joe Rae <audi-quattro@usa.net>
> When I drive my 87 4000csq in snow it runs great, but
then when I get back on the cement and drive at any speed
over 20mph the steering wheel starts to shutter??? like
there is a wheel out of balence, this has happened twice
now, and both times have gone away after about 15-20 of
driving, unfortunatly I have not been able to check and see
if there is snow build up in the fenders or something?? has
anyone else had this problem??