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My apologies
I would like to offer an apology to Douglas and the rest of the list. He
recently emailed me on something and I flared back at him telling him
basically how pissed of I am at some of the rest of us. As everyone knows,
I'm the starving college student. My money is more valuable to me than it
is to most of you. See $10 I save here will come in handy a month down the
road with other money I save. I just want to see more Qlisters be willing
to offer up ideas that will help us save money-even if it's just a few
bucks here and there. Replacing the ic to tb hose with a $100+ Samco that
won't fit is not my idea of a fix. I'd be too scared to trim it. I've been
asking about the temp switch for the inj cooling fan for a while and
everyone who posts something keeps telling me about how it's $10.
Obviously they should tell how they got (or could get it) for that price
otherwise their post is useless. I'm just saying maybe I'm the only one on
the list that lives off of his parents and would like to save them money,
but I'm sure other Qlisters with money would like to save some here and
there. It does add up in the end. Just keep in mind to do for the good of
the rest of the members of the list and help their situations some. BTW
where can I get than damn switch for $10????????????????? TIA!!!
'84 5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar
Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
your results may vary from mine."