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Rear muffler for 82-82 qtc

In message <Pine.SUN.3.90.980211095713.16402A-100000@glenlivet.ohm.york.ac.uk> "A. G. R. Sutherland" writes:

> > I need a new rear muffler and my mechanic says that they are $700.00 from a
> > dealer. Does anybody know of any after market mufflers that will fit? 

>   Seems you guys stateside get ripped off on some parts but not on others
>   a rear muffler for my 1983 coupe costs me around 70 pounds sterling fitted.

Audi # 857 253 609C lists for GBP317 + VAT (17.5%) = GBP372.48 ($596).
>   Perhaps you should all save up your fixes and ship your cars across to
>  British mechanics for cheap quality work.

I don't think a GBP70 muffler (and they _are_ available) quite fits under what 
we refer to on this list as 'quality work'.  You get what you pay for.  A 
QuikFit or ATS exhaust component will last 18 months to two years - an Audi 
component should last between six and eight.  When you add up the cost of 
driving about and four sets of labour charges, the original part is probably 
cheaper.  You can get discounts via dealer loyalty and via membership of the 
quattro Owners Club.

>     Arthur G. R. Sutherland	      |
>     Electronics Teaching Laboratories |	Tel. Work +44 (0)1904 432371
>     Department of Electronics	      |	      Fax +44 (0)1904 432335
>     University of York		      |	     Home +44 (0)1904 423463
>     York 			      |	
>     YO1 5DD			      |	Email agrs@ohm.york.ac.uk.
>     United Kingdom		      |	   or ags3@unix.york.ac.uk
> 	        	I am not always right
> 	        	and though I am seldom wrong
> 		        degrees of error are relative.
> ==============================================================================

Can you fix that sig?  Four lines plus a proper separator.
 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club