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Re: New meat

Yikes:  You must be having a bad day.  I guess selling cars is just business
after all.  If you have a good idea that you are faced with a 'jerk'  why
not just smile and let him go?

I personally shop for a long time (usually) before buying a vehicle.  I have
also found that it is nearly impossible to find a car sales person who is
both (or either) knowledgable and honest.  If you are both of those things
and hard-working to boot then I only hope that I can deal with you or
someone like you when I buy my next car.

BTW, I'm starting to look for a replacement for my wife's ovloV 850 turbo
wagon.  I went into the Denver Audi dealer to check out the new A6 and told
the salesman I was concerned that the Audi wouldn't have the performance we
were used to with the 850T.  He informed me that the new A6 is much more
powerful and lighter than the previous model since it has an Aluminum space

Par for the course...

Ralph Poplawsky

At 01:31 AM 2/17/98 -0800, Osman wrote:

>          You just typified the average jerk who comes into my dealership
>and wastes my time.  I could turn this into a full ten page essay on the
>various ways people insult me at work every day, but I'll pass. Just think
>next time you treat the salesperson anything less than professionally. He
>may be doing just what he says he is doing. When I tell somebody that I'll
>actually search for a vehicle, I do it. When I give a customer a price,
>even when I know they are shopping, it's never a low-ball offer... even on
>the phone. It's a real price. When I have a lease signing, I explain the
>options carefully and the terms as best as I can. I TELL them to do their
>homework on leasing because it's not always the best option. 
>           Does this honesty and professionalism pay off? It doesn't seem
>to because the customers seem to feel that the salesperson is a lowlife and
>abusing them carries with it no guilt. Hey it's their job to deal with
>dishonest customers like you, right? Like the guy whom I sold a Jetta
>tonight. He comes in with numbers from another dealer and asks me to do
>better. My lunch goes uneaten for over two hours as I find a way to beat
>another local dealer in a lease. We finally manage to get him only $2
>higher per month than he'd like to be (by appraising his trade $300 higher
>than the competitor) and cutting out profit margin tremendously. He agrees
>that this is a good price and that he will buy the car. One problem... he's
>left his title (!!!) for the trade at the other dealership. I would have
>liked to kick his idiotic teeth in at this point for not disclosing this
>information to me. I could have been dealing with real customers... I could
>have sold that 911 C4s outside, but no.. here I am with a someone who
>thinks nothing of commiting to TWO deals at the same time, nickel and
>diming me to death for two hours. 
>           Oh, by the way.. since we have techs who have been on the job
>for 18+ years.. and a very customer service oriented philosophy in our
>service department, we tend to know well before hand when a customer is
>getting ready to turn in their cars. Therefore, it's a very strong
>possiblitity that I could find you a S6 wagon owner who is considering
>selling their car. I'm glad you think nothing of commiting to purchasing
>such a car from the "new meat" at your local dealership. They must *love*
>you there. 
>Osman Parvez
>Albany, NY
>89 200q, TAP Chip, 170K
>P.S.  Sorry to the rest of the list. I'm just starting to get a bit annoyed
>with unnecessary salesman/dealer bashing lately. In certain cases (and
>situations) a little venting is justified. In others, it is clearly
>sadistic. Think of how you'd like to be treated and act out accordingly