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A Voice ...

I had a phone call a few minutes ago, from my insurers.
This time, it was a Voice.  Not a voice.

Very polite.  Obviously the voice of someone in authority.  He said that he 
believes the assessor's estimate of the damage repair costs to be excessive, 
and that he is aware, as a fellow Audi owner, that some Audis have values in 
excess of what simple depreciation would suggest.
He has promised that they will be in touch with me before noon tomorrow, and 
that he assumes the answer will be positive.
I am tempted to assume that this is a reaction to my last transaction, in which 
I forwarded a page of car adverts so kindly faxed down by fellow lister Ian
Haseltine (to whom beer is owed).  I passed it on with: "I've been discussing 
this issue in a number of Internet fora and one of the other members has sent 
this ...".
Co-incidentally, the advert that Ian found was for _EXACTLY_ the value I had 
stated both when I last renewed the insurance and when I first claimed - 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club