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to lock or not lock
Message text written by INTERNET:quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Read with some interest Dave Lawsons experience at Steamboat this year.
To add to his comments, My Son and I drove the 83 UR Q up for the school at
steamboat on Saturday. Unfortunatly,
We couldn't stay for the "fun" on Sunday. We were driving back to Denver
early Sunday. We left town toward Rabbit Ears about 8 am. We were being
followed by a "new" S10 style Blazer. Obviously a family going home from a
ski weekend.
Well, I was feeling a lot more comfortable in the Q after the school so I
was probably (certainly) goping a little too fast. But, the combination of
the Q and the new Guardex on the car really gave me a feeling of
confidence. The roads were not relly too bad. But near the top of the pass
I looked into my rear view mirror I saw the Blazer doing piroets on the
road. Thank god he never left the road. He ended up facing the wrong way in
the wrong lane of the road. I stopped but there was no need.
You should have seen the size of his eyes! Anyway, I noted the car only
had all season tires...... Nuff said! BTW, Never saw him again the rest of
the way!