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200q fiche update...

Please excuse the interuption but it's easier for me to send one message to
everyone than several messages to individuals...

As I was finishing up making the 200q fiche copies last night, the copier at
work broke ... I'm hoping Pitney Bowes will get it working again today and,
if so, I'll get the fiche copies in the mail this afternoon.

Also, FWIW, I have since copied the RS2 fiche and have that to offer as well
... Yes, Dave Easton has already indicated his interest in getting a copy.
What a lucky $(F*D#!  ;*)

    _                _
   / |      _| o    | \       _| o   Jeffrey Goggin
  /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |   audidudi@mindspring.com
 /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |   http://people.delphi.com/audidudi