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Re: Accident options (no Audi content)

Hairy green toads from Mars made AudiJeep say:

> I am currently involved in a dilemma involving my '92 100S's rear-ending last
> weekend. The damage to the bumper was minor, and repairable without having to
> have the bumper replaced. The guy who hit me gave me the pertinent info (name,
> address, phone #, etc), but having the damage so minor, no insurance info. I
> called the police when I arrived home that evening, but the police in the
> municipality where the incident took place have a policy that if no one is
> injured, or the car does not need to be towed, you are not to call the police
> when an accident occurs. The estimate came only to about $150, so I figured
> the guy would not complain too much. Well, the SOB is not returning my phone
> calls, and when I do reach his number, his wife answers and swears that she
> was with her husband all day on the day he hit me, and I'm lying.
> Unfortunately, I was alone coming home from work when I was hit, so I have no
> witness to say he hit me. The guy who hit me was not with his wife, but did
> have his about 12 year old daughter with him. So without any police report
> filed, only a handwritten piece of paper with his name, address and phone # on
> it, and no insurance info, what are my options? Is there anyone who I contact
> (magistrate, etc)? I appreciate any help. TIA.

For $150, it is small claims court. First thing I'd do is go to my
local police department and swear out a statement. If you really
want to go after this guy, the police can match bumper marks and
paint. Whether they will over a $150 fender bender, who knows?
They may have other suggestions, though.

You may just have to suck it up....


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too heavy to care.