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Datapoint on Timing Belt change

Hi Gang,

Got done doing the timing belt/waterpump/tension pulley on the 4kq
yesterday and have a few observations.

1. To pull the tension pulley I found that the steering wheel lock plate
remover from Harbor Freight tools (#34362) and 2 10mm X 1.5 X 50mm bolts
works really well.  Just hacksaw 1.5" off the legs of the puller.

2. To re-install the pulley, grind 2 flat surfaces on the 2nd bolt and use
the nut provided with the kit.  Hand insert the pulley as square as you
can, then place the puller with the nut and bolt against front body shell
with the head of the bolt against the pulley.  The puller should be aligned
vertically.  Use a crescent wrench to hold the end of the bolt and with a
open end wrench unscrew the nut on the bolt.  Pause when the whole setup
gets tight, then stop and look to see if the bolt and pulley are straight
in line.  If it is, continue to unscrew the nut and push the pulley right in.



Tony Lum  (tlum@flash.net)                  1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro         
Berkeley, California, USA                      1985 4000CS Quattro
Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)      1980 5000S Sedan     