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Welcome to visual-reality-1998

To:   quattro

Has anyone else signed up for the Audi virtual reality calendar?

http://www.audi.com, choose the "Service" tag at the top of the screen and
then choose the virtual reality calendar tag at the bottom of the screen.

Sean Ford                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 34k mi
Sean_Ford@idx.com  '98 Honda CR-V EX auto 300 mi
IDX,Boston,MA              http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528

---------------------- Forwarded by Sean Ford/BOSTON/IDX1 on 03/04/98 11:56
AM ---------------------------

Majordomo@audi.de on 03/04/98 11:30:03 AM

Please respond to Majordomo@audi.de

To:   Sean Ford
Subject:  Welcome to visual-reality-1998


audi.com Audi Virtual Reality Kalender
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     unsubscribe visual-reality-1998
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    unsubscribe visual-reality-1998 Sean_Ford@idx.com
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Audi Virtual Reality Calendar
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Welcome to the Audi Virtual Reality Calendar subscribers? list!
Should you at any time wish to cancel this service, simply send an e-mail
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     unsubscribe visual-reality-1998
    unsubscribe visual-reality-1998 Sean_Ford@idx.com
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