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RE: open diffs at the limit.
so orin, you are saying that that locked cntre diff is actually *worse*
than the torsen because it can modulate 100% of the torque from one axle
to the other in the wheel lift sceanrio?
eg: front wheel lift, 100% of torque to the rear axle courtesy of the
locked centre, once front wheel traction is back (later in the turn),
bang, and you've lost 50% to the rear, and have it back at the front.
again, the torsen has better behaviour than this because t(shift)
[=t(max) - t(min)] is less.
agree that the open centre can be a very dangerous boris...
'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
>-----Original Message-----
>NO. Again, locked diff can send 100% to one axle if it has the
>grip. Think about this... with a locked diff, one axle with
>no grip (imagine wheel in the air), the axle with no grip
>becomes no more than a useless appendage to the other shaft.
>Take a pencil, one with an eraser on the end. Grip it in
>the middle. Put the eraser end on a reasonably grippy surface.
>Turn the pencil as if it is an axle and the eraser a wheel.
>All the torque you apply to the center of the pencil is
>obviously going to the eraser end, the other is just flapping
>around in the air doing nothing. Add some bearings, you
>have to overcome the friction of the bearings, that's all.
>BTW, torque, cannot be 'lost'. If input torque to the system
>as a whole exceeds output torque + plus frictional losses,
>then the whole drive train accelerates at a rate proportional
>to excess torque divided by the moment of inertia of the
>whole system.
>It is the OPEN diff that gives a 50/50 output distribution...
>and it is CONTROLLED by the output with LEAST traction...
>open diff, one wheel on slippy surface, only twice traction
>at slippy surface transferred, excess torque accelerates
>drivetrain and wheel, ie the wheel on the slippy surface
>spins along with the drivetrain. Sorry to say it, but that's
>the physics of the matter.