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Wheel Bearing Maint. question

matt sez:
>I am curious about the collective opinions regarding wheel bearing
>maintenance.  Is it a good idea to clean and repack them, or even replace
>them?  What grease should be used?  My CQ has 115k and I've never touched
these are sealed bearings...

>  I have developed a light squeaking noise.
wheel bearings don't usually squeak - more like a grinding and/or
rumbling sound.  you can usually hear a difference turning left/right
since it is loading/unloading the affected bearing.

>  I wonder  whether it would be worth pulling
>the bearings to inspect/ clean/ replace them.
once you pull the hub from the bearing you have destroyed the bearing.
you will need a significant puller (or a hydraulic press) for this


to: IN:mrooke@fcpa.fujitsu.com
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net