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Quattro Fellowship

Hi All!

Just a WOB to express my appreciation for this list.  I get it digested,
and it STILL is a bitch to keep up with, but there are always pearls to
be found so I hesitate to hit DEL too quickly.

Cases in point from just one digest:

I learned of yet another fellow afflicted with the same XR4ti/Quattro
bipolar disorder from which I suffer.  I think that makes about 4 of us
cross-breeds.  Anyone else so infected wanna *come out?*

I *met* a fellow *5KCSTQ* (We snobs say *5KTQ* since they are ALL *CS*
who lives in St. Paul like me!

I learned of another way to re-blacken my bumper-cladding, and can offer
my own *solutions*:
I have had luck, albeit temporary, with Zymol vinyl conditioner.  Have
also used good old shoe polish!

Sorry to have missed the local Quattros On Ice Event, since my own model
didn't come with oars and life jackets :-)


Paul Kuettel
St Paul, MN