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RE: Battery

The idea here is to keep the fumes out of the interior and route the
acid possibly escaping from the battery out of the car instead of
letting it drip onto the sheetmetal. 

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	seanford@tritium.net [SMTP:seanford@tritium.net]
> Sent:	Saturday, March 14, 1998 10:20 PM
> To:	Audi; ekellock@juno.com
> Subject:	Re: Battery
> Ok, now, let's reel this in.... I just put that battery in my '92 100
> last night
> and left the vent hose under the seat. What's the difference? I the
> vent hose is
> for the battery, not the car, correct? Please don't tell me I just
> screwed up
> with the battery.... I like those 810 cranking amps.
> Sean Ford
> seanford@tritium.net
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528
> '92 Audi 100CS 5-spd 35k miles
> '98 Honda CR-V EX auto 1000 miles
> '89 Suzuki Katana 600 hibernating but beginning to stir...