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option recommendations?

Any advice appreciated-- my A4 is at sea and will be in the dealer's hands
in a couple of weeks, I'm told.  Now my question is, should I have the
dealer install a couple of options?

I'm interested in the roof carrier "system," which consists of the basic
rack set and add-ons like a bike carrier or ski holder.  I'd just want
the ski holders, and the total price for this setup would be US$295.
Should I get this or is the Thule product just as good?  (fit + price)

Also, there are mud flap kits at $27 each for front and rear.  Are these
functional? ugly? worth it?


Douglas Frank  Digital Equipment Corp.
ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.
DTN 381-0501   Nashua, NH  USA  03062-2711

 n. A mineral frequently found beneath a corset. Soluble in solicitate of gold.