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Re: On the subject of ur-quattro fuel tanks.....

I'm not sure what model of car you have but many of these vehicles
have adjustable fuel gauges.  There is a plastic allen head adjuster
in the instrument cluster face.  There are specific instructions for 
adjusting it in Bentley but you might want to just fill it to the max,
adjust the needle to full, and carry a gallon of fuel in the trunk
to make sure you don't get stranded.  Then see how much you can get

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On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 22:40:11 EST GaidosIII <GaidosIII@aol.com> writes:
>Well seeing how we're talking about fuel tanks I am wondering why I 
>can never
>get mine fully filled. Today I tried to squeeze all I could - 15.45 US 
>with the gauge indicating a little over three forths. When I stopped 
>for gas I
>was a little under a quarter tank by the gauge. If the tank holds 23.8 
>(I bet that's a nice even number in metric) that would indicate I had 
>gallons in the tank - more then a quarter tank. A quarter tank would 
>be 5.95
> So the gauge doesn't ever read full on the one side and also 
>indicates less
>on the other. An interesting note I found while reviewing receipts 
>previous owners, a mechanic once wrote "don't run fuel below a quarter 

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