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Home for pix?

Friends, the word is in - I will be moving to Fort Collins, CO this 
summer to take a position at Colorado State University.  So my thanks 
to those who suggested Audi/mechanical resources there.

One thing I need to deal with - I have pix of a number of 
list-members' cars on my current Audi web page.  I will be moving the 
Audi page and FAQ (which believe it or not, average 80-90 hits per 
week!...) to Colorado State, but I need to find a new home for the 

If any of you who like to link pix to your page are interested in 
giving the photos a new home, please check them at:


...and email me directly.  I can send the pix to you or you can 
download them directly from the pge.

Al Powell, PhD             Ph:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications          Fax: 409/862-1202
Texas A&M University