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RE: Milky substance in oil...

> Sargent Schutt onTuesday, March 31, 1998 2:08 AM, wrote;
	>When pulling off my michelin man IC hose, I found it full of
oil. That alone
	>is disconcerting. Worse, the oil accumulated in the first
couple 'ribs' had >a milky white color.  

Is it possible the oil in the IC hose has gotten condesation (water)
mixed in (the air after all went through an intercooler)??

	>I Checked the dipstick. Oil has 1k miles on it. Looks new, no
milky color >there.

	It would seem to me that the incidence is isolated to the IC
hose.  May not be anything to worry about.  However, having no BTDT, I
await expert opinion.

Gary M. Lewis
1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   193,000 miles (and counting...)