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Wheel Refinishing [89 200q]

Hi Folks,
    Since I'm not quite ready (financially) to buy those Compmotive wheels
I've been lusting after, and it's getting dreadfully warm to be running Hak
1's, I need to put my old OEM wheels back on the car. Through a personal
contact I can have the wheels sand/bead blasted and then repainted for only
the cost of the materials (thats paint and maybe sand). The sanding will be
done in some sort of cabinet and the painting will be done under vacuum to
minimize dripping. 
      The problem with the old wheels is that they tend to leak around the
bead due to corrosion. The leak got so bad that I was filling the Right
side tires every day till I put the Hak 1's on (with steel wheels). Here is
the question: Will I find reasonable sucess having the wheels refinished in
this way? Any BTDT's. I'm pulling the tires off the wheels tommorow and
should get a better idea of how bad the corrosion is then. But I have the
feeling that I won't know what I am looking at or at least won't know if
the refinishing process willl help the problem. 
        P.S. I'm considering painting the wheels a color other than
P.White. The #2 choice would be silver. Anybody know anything about
automotive (wheel paint)? I'm wondering if there is paint that is better
suited to resisting the heat/salt than what Audi originally put on the car.

Anybody have any suggestions for colors other than Pearl? I don't want to
hear anyone say yellow!. (no offense to the owner of that Yellow A6).

Osman Parvez
Albany, NY
89 200q, TAP Chip, 171K