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RE: Good Autobody shop in New Hampshire/Massachusetts
Don't cash the check!!!! That implies acceptance of the deal!!! Keep going
after the insurance company. There should be some sort of insurance review
board in your area. Call them.
Ralph Poplawsky
'91 200Q
At 12:47 PM 3/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> Sorry, I must have missed the original message. What is it they won't
>> do?
>ok, you asked for it :-) Here's the story...
>My wife backs out of a parking spot in the 89 100 Wagon,
>some other woman backs out as well and backs into the
>driver side fender crunching the fender ahead of the wheel
>and breaks the chrome trim piece as well as put's a crack
>in the bumper cover. Metlife the other cars insurer and the
>pwner agree it was totaly her fault.
>I tell MetLife the other womans insurance I want a new
>fender, bumper cover, and chrome edging.
>They say we'll replace the bumper cover with a re-manufacture
>, chrome edge and we'll bondo the fender.
>I say why should I be penalized with plastic in my fender for an
>accident you agree was not my fault ?
>I lose my mind, talk to the adjusters manager, and my insurance company
>and get nowhere.
>Meanwhile Metlife sends me a check for less than half of the estimate
>from Mcdowell's.
>I fight with them some more, still get no where.
>So I figure Mcdowell's can't fix it correctly for less than half
>of what they quoted.
>I go out and get a clean boneyard fender, wet sand it myself to the primer
>trying to save enough money so that Mcdowells can just paint the fender and
>complete the rest of the work as well.
>When I call them back to schedule he tell's me they won't do it unless they
>do the whole job.
>So, Metlife screwed me on the repair monies and I'm stuck.
>This is why I need a good body shop to help me get my car whole again.
>Mike L.
>> kirby
>> > ----------
>> > From: Mike Larosa[SMTP:mlarosa@v8q.East.Sun.COM]
>> > Reply To: Mike Larosa
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 8:18 AM
>> > To: kirby.a.smith@lmco.com
>> > Subject: Re: Good Autobody shop in New Hampshire/Massachusetts
>> >
>> > I beleive that is Mcdowell AutoBody were I had the original estimate
>> > done.
>> >
>> > They are the people who won't do it :-(
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Mike L.
>> >
>> >
>> > > Content-return: allowed
>> > > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 20:24:52 -0500
>> > > From: "Smith, Kirby A" <kirby.a.smith@lmco.com>
>> > > Subject: Re: Good Autobody shop in New Hampshire/Massachusetts
>> > > To: "'mlarosa@v8q.East.Sun.COM'" <mlarosa@v8q.East.Sun.COM>
>> > > MIME-version: 1.0
>> > > X-Priority: 3
>> > >
>> > > "I'm looking for a good Autobody shop in the Mass/NH line. I live
>> > > in Nashua NH."
>> > >
>> > > Sorry I don't recall their name at the moment, but at least a couple
>> > of
>> > > listers have commented on a particular body shop in Manchester. It
>> > also
>> > > repaired a few areas on my wife's car before we bought it. If you
>> > call
>> > > Eurosport Motorcar, in Merrimack (424.5100), I'm sure they will tell
>> > you
>> > > the name; they use them exclusively, as far as I know.
>> > >
>> > > .... Kirby (Kirby A. Smith)
>> > > 2 x 1988 90q
>> > > New Hampshire USA
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > Mike LaRosa (978) 442-1250
>> >
>> >
>Mike LaRosa (978) 442-1250