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'87 5KCSTQ Hot Start and high idle problem apparently solved !

I don't quite understand why this is, but my hot start problem and
high intermittant idle (2000-3000rpm) seem to have both disappeared
with the installation of a new ISV relay temp sensor.  (Part #
below) I removed the sensor and checked it with an ohm meter.  Hot
or cold, the resistance was around 1.9Meg ohms.  Way too high
acccording to Scott Mo's webpage info.


On my car, '87 5KCSTQ, the idle was running all the way to 2900 rpm 
at times.  I discovered that when I disconnected the wire to the ISV 
relay temp sensor the idle would settle down to around 1K.  I also 
had been having a hot start problem after the car sat for about 20 
minutes.  I earlier had replaced the plugs, plug wires, dist cap and 
rotor, but the high idle and hot start problem continued (but she 
sure ran better after that !)  Since I replaced the temp sensor, 
neither of those problems have re-occurred.

Picked up the sensor at my local dealer for $16.90.  
Part # 049 919 501



Kurt Wesseling
Technical Support Center
UNET (formerly ENM)