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Buying w/ cash (was Re: Phil's lament...)

From: audidudi@mindspring.com (Jeffrey J. Goggin)

>The fact that I had 80 $100 bills in my hands pretty much sealed the deal
>for both of us.

BTDT (not on an ur-q, but other playthings).  BTW, this is a VERY effective
tool, not only for sealing a deal on a unique car, but also as a bargaining
tool for a commodity item, especially when you leave your girlfriend (now
wife) to chat up the owner while you test ride the bike; she learns he's
looking for tuition money--quite a bit lower than what he's asking.  A real
live cash-on-the-table offer 25% below asking price was accepted on the
spot :)  

* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa                                                  *