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Subject: Re: Valentine 1-- Microscopic Audi content
You wrote:
<<I've hardwired the V-1 into the fuse box of my V8 and have experienced
nothing but great service. I haven't experienced any false alarms.
Powered the V-1 through the cigarette lighter for a couple of weeks, but
still no false alarms.
I also purchased the optional remote indicating unit with the intention
of remotely installing it for stealth cruising at night. It appears that
it may fit well in one of the dummy switch locations next to the fog
light switch. Anyone BTDT? >>
I mounted my remote display on the dash above the gas guage; I've got a photo
on my (incomplete) repairs link from my web page:
No false alarms, but get some "restarts" when the voltage draw is high (I get
the power from the sunroof area).
Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q