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Re: Audi drops in JDPower survey

> It appears that Audi has dropped 6 places to 9th in the latest JDPower
> survey. Here's the list:
> 1. Lexus (1)
> 2. Cadillac (2)
> 3. Infiniti (4)
> 4. Mercedes-Benz (7)
> 5. Acura (6)
> 6. Buick (9)
> 7. Lincoln (5)
> 8. Toyota (10)
> 9. Audi (3)
> 10. Oldsmobile (11)
> The numbers in paren's are the ranking's for 1997. And, sadly, it appears
> in this list that Audi is the only one that dropped.

Nitpick:  Lincoln dropped also, and last year's (8) dropped out of the top
ten.  Who was it, Honda?  Volvo?  Nissan?

Audi certainly had the biggest move in either direction within this list
(although I'm still curious about last year's #8).

Drew Senko
Vienna, VA, USA