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Re: spam and news

On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, Dan Simoes wrote:

> - if, instead of email, I were to switch to a news-based service,
> where you point your newsreader at a private server, would
> anyone be unable to access this?  If you can access web pages,

I think I could access it, but I am not sure which I prefer.   I 
regularly access a couple newsgroups, but I like the semi-private nature 
of the list the way it is currently.

> which is free).   Just a thought - switching to news would cut
> down on bandwidth, make archiving easier, eliminate spam 

I'm not sure it would cut down on bandwidth.   It would be easier to post 
to the group, so all sorts of spam would get through and all sorts of 
flame baiting and generally useless posts (like the "Porsche Rules" post 
last week - bah humbug!) would become more common.   Of the newsgroups I 
monitor, I read maybe one out of every 100 posts.   My "read ratio" on 
the Quattro list is much higher than that.   I fear it would drop to that 
level if it were a newsgroup.

Later,--------------------------- -   -   -   -
Graydon D. Stuckey		 / \ / \ / \ / \
graydon@apollo.kettering.edu	|Mr. Muffler... |
810 733 0255			 \ / \ / \ / \ /
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