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Re: List or Newsgroup?

One advantage for a NewsGroup is that you get to see the headers before
downloading the actual post. If is is spam, who gives a rip - don't download
I thought Dan said on a private server - not one of the main Usenet fed
servers. This would keep most of the riff raff out  - they wouldn't even
know about it.
It could pose a problem for new members to locate it - the list is obviously
pretty easy to find now - a NewsGroup on a private server would be difficult
to find.
There already is one newsgroup for Audis on the public Usenet anyway.
Archiving the posts locally would be different as a lot of newsreaders
periodically clean up "old" posts.
My 2¢ worth.

mike miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Unka Bart <mendicant@buddhist.com>
To: Quattro List <Quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Saturday, April 04, 1998 8:33 AM
Subject: List or Newsgroup?

>Hi Dan,
>Say, amigo, wouldja kindly go over to the sink and wash out your mouth?
>"Newsgroup," indeed! (Harumph!  And not to mention, "Snort!")
>Talk about adversly affecting the signal to noise ratio, every moron with
>both a computer and an opinion would be dropping by to share with us their
>take on how "Camaro's rule" and other equally interesting and significant
>And where ever did anyone get the idea that spammers would avoid (I just
>can't force myself to use that word again) the alternative you propose?
>Although there are a couple that I visit every few months, I note a rich
>choice of spam available where ever I look.  True, one doesn't have to read
>it, but it's there, nonetheless.
>I much prefer to "drink straight from the hose," and would definitely miss
>the banter and cammaraderie of the group...
>But that's just one voice in the night.  Do what you gotta do, my friend.
>If that means the end of the mail-list, I shall regret the loss, but I'll
>probably survive.