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What a week...

Haudi ,folks-
Just returned from Hungary. Lemme tell you, european rallying is just
incomparable to US rallying! The cars are so beautifully prepared, and
the drivers are so good, it's just phenominal. Anywhoo, the rally had
three Audi entrants. 
	A group N (almost stock, production car, saftey and limited suspension
changes allowed) Audi S2 was racing, and doing quite well, especially
considering that it was quite abit heftier than it's competition. In
comparison to the other rally cars, it was sort of ratty. 
	There was also a group A S2 (out and out race car- straight cut six
speed dog box, enormous 14" Alcon brakes for tarmac, remote resevoir
suspension... just amazing... and for sale at $30000!... I know what I
am buying if I win the lotto!) The group A S2 had a solid showing
finishing 3rd overall behind a Gr, A Subaru Impreza in 2nd and a Toyota
GT-Four which won the event. 
	Also, there was a '88 90 Q Gr. A car racing in the non-homoligated
class (FIA homoligations only last 7 years) It was very fast, had
beautiful Audi Sport componants throughout, including a hyraulically
activated pushbutton clutch, a superclose ratio 5 speed straight cut
racing tranny, 11" Audi Sport AP brakes, fully seamwelded, and most
impressive, a "Safari" suspension. This was the suspension that raced in
the '89 World Championship Safari rally, as well as a few others. Talk
about beefy! Completely custom made from aluminum, it was the hardiest
suspension I have ever seen!
	I also saw 3 street S2s, several Coupes and many 80s, 100s, A3s, A4s,
A6s, a few A8's and several V8 4.2s... I Also observed a real live RS2,
It was driving in the other direction, but I saw it! Mommy, the legend
is true!!

	There is so much more that I can say, but I don't want to waste the
bandwidth... european rallying is just phenominal! I took about 12 rolls
of film over there, and I will have many pictures up on the net in the
next couple of weeks.

	The 2Bennet Audimotive coilover setup has just been completed on my
coupe, and I will pick the car up tomorrow. I will have a full report.

* Ramana Lagemann							
* Cohasset, MA												     
* 1990 CoupeQ20V                  
* http://www.20v.net		       
* mailto:elmool@tiac.net            
* mailto:elmool@20v.net       